Name: Alexandria Jordan Gatewood “AJ”
Position: Flyer
Birthday: 09-02-2006
Grade in School: 2nd
School Name/Gym Name: Powerhouse Cheer, Belton Texas
G.P.A.: 3.6 @ Central Texas Christian School, Temple, Texas
Hometown: Temple, Texas
Signature Tumbling Skills (standing and running): Running RO, BH, BH, BTuck
Signature Basket skills: Twist to basket and back up to scorpion. I love the scorpion!
Signature Stunting Skills: Scorpion, Aerobesque, Twist, Rewind, Handstand
Awards/Recognition: NCA National Champion, Youth 1, American Cheer Power Y1, National Champion, The Summit Y1 Finalist
What makes you a great leader for your team? I work hard to do my best to help my team perform at the upper level by practicing hard and achieving personal goals that help my team. I am always there for them and I cheer for all the teams in my gym and this helps me show gym and individual team leadership.
What part of cheerleading do you enjoy the most? I enjoy high flying and my Scorpion at the top of a one man!
Do you consider cheerleading a sport? Why? Cheerleading is a sport because I work out 8 hours a week in the gym, strengthening when at home, stretching when I can and then performing at the top levels. A sport requires hard work and dedication and endurance and that is why my sport is Cheerleading